Thursday, January 04, 2007


It is truly dreadful being bored.

Trotter sighed during Eastenders, he sighs as Martha watches Location, Location, Location.

He is hoping the program about midgets and the deformed will cheer him up at 9, but it is an uncertain world.

Its a shame as he was just so impossibly happy earlier. In a series of bowel movements that came as a delightful surprise, Trotter managed to complete 3 quite sizable deposits upstairs.

One, teasing you by the door jam into my bedroom, a dangerous one just out of sight round Marthas bedroom door which might have been good for a laugh if she hadn't noticed it and skiddied across the bedroom floor, and the third smack bang in the middle of my bedroom floor, just by Tutz scratchy pole.

He sighs, he had been so happy over the 3 poo's that he had raced around the table 3 times.

Never mind.

Bring on the dwarfs!

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