Saturday, January 27, 2007

Saturday, Saturdah

The day has dawned calm and bright.

Martha is at Vanre's drinking tea and talking shite.

Filipa has popped in and tried on her new 5 inch heels that Trotter picked up from Office in the week.

Giggsey Girl the Stupid Slug Face is in the back garden, apparently Fly and Chris are going to clear away all the debris from the bottom, and create a gate. She is out there making sure everything is in place for their arrival, and is spreading a net over the pond so that nothing falls in and scares the fish, as they may have tiny fishy heart attacks and die.

Fing is lying in bed listening to Vivaldi.

Fat Boy Faggot is in town having one last look at the sales, hoping to find a little something to wear out tonight to the Meerkat Convention.

I am about to have a bath - then must go to town myself to buy provisions for the convention, also vegan yoghurts and some fruit.

Truly Scrumptious Lulu, the Chubbiest Dog in the West is practising Tai Chi in the kitchen. She has had a sudden hankering for things from the east, and as a result spends a lot of time on the Cowley Road.

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