Monday, January 29, 2007

Do Meerkats drink Champage?

The Meerkat Convention was a complete and resounding success.

The Management Committee at the pub wrote out an agenda, made dog-tags with Meerkat Facts and made Meerkat information Posters. 2 tables were reserved and the champagne put on ice.

Everyone arrived on time to wait for the newly elected president of the Committee Dr J Juggs of Redcar University to arrive at 9. Dr Juggs, a keen Philanthropist and dedicated Meerkat Aficionado, arrived promptly and, was for once, at a complete loss for words. It can be hard to be in the limelight when you have worked tirelessly and quietly in the background for years.

The Ceremonial Pottery Meerkat was presented, along with a card signed by all the Members of the newly formed Society, A special signing in register was presented to the president to keep till next year to monitor attendance.

As we waited for the official Key Note Speech everyone took refreshments.

There was a brief moment of horror when a passing drunk fell into the head table and broke the arm of the ceremonial Meerkat, the crowd grew ugly and a grim silence descended.

The drunk apologised, but not before putting everyones back up and upsetting the Apple Cart. Luckily there was superglue to hand in the kitchen, the arm was glued back on and a small bandage applied.

Dr Juggs gave her speech which was very warmly received, followed by a resounding 'For she's a jolly good Fellow, and so say all of us', with some 'Hip Hip Hoorays' thrown in for good measure.

Unfortunately we did not have anytime to have the open discussion 'Engineering using unstable materials, how to build the perfect burrow', nor for our workshops which included 'Family Values and Meerkat Morality' and 'Meerkat Fashion, Prada or Primark?'.

After the Convention came to an end everyone trouped to Cloud 9 and danced the night away in a wild, giddy and drunken fashion before everyone came back to mine for a cup of tea.

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