Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Dictionary Game

The Pets are playing the dictionary game, in which you close your eyes, open the book at random and point at a page, then read aloud the word and see if everyone else knows the word.

It is Fings go first 'dill' he says

'I know, i know!' says Trotter, 'is it someone stupid?'

'I know, i know!' says Giggsey Girl the Stupid Slug Face, 'is it a herb?'

'Its a herb!' says Fing, so it is Giggsey's go next. She shuts her eyes, opens the book and chooses....


'An insect that lives in your foot?' asks Trotter

'Me' says Fing,

'someone in authority' says Fat Boy Faggot

'The Queen' says Lulu

'The dictionary definition is ' Having great effect or having great authority, so I think its Faggys!' says the slug lips.

Faggots word is 'Satirize'

'Is it the sun rise on a Saturday morning?' asks Trotter.

'To ridicule someone?' asks Lulu


'Well, says Fing, the dictionary definition of 'Satirize' is to attack someone with Satire and 'Satire' is the use of ridicule, irony, or sarcasm, so I guess it goes to Lulu'

'ITS NOT FAIR' wails Trotter, 'I never know the answer, I never get a go!'

The other pets decided that Trotter can have a go, as it doesn't seem fair, so Trotter opens the Dictionary and chooses...


And everyone is stumped.

Do you know the answer?

1 comment:

Fatface said...

Lapidary - means 'of stones'