Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Space, the final frontier

Fing and Giggsey Girl the Stupid Slug Face are in the garden admiring the new space where Chris removed the pile of rubbish. Trotter is watching them from the back door, wishing he could look at the new space too.

They are discussing what the new space might be used for, although Fing is under the impression that a gate may be put in place. If there were a gate then access to the garden would be a lot easier.

Giggsey thinks that a couple of nice benches would be lovely in the new corner, as the shade from the tree would be lovely in the summer. Alternatively of course, a barbecue would nestle comfortably in the corner of the garden, meaning that the smoke would not be too close to the house.

This seems like a grand idea, as then they could have garden parties and entertain in the summer.

Trotter sighs from the behind the closed door. Its so unfair. Everyone will be outside and he will, as ever, be locked inside. Moor to the point, he loved that pile of rubbish. Not only was it exceptionally good to wee up against, if he ever managed to escape from the house he did love to stand on top of it and bark at all the junkies as they walked past, it was ace when he was covered in masonry paint that time, the junkies had thought they were tripping and had disappeared for a while. But alas, now the fun was over.

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