Sunday, January 07, 2007

The Great Shoescape

I had forgotten that yesterday was the 12th day.

It took me 2 hours to defrock the house of its festive decorations. An hour and a half of this was carefully spent, some might say anally, very carefully returning each and every bauble to its individual box to ensure its safe keeping until next year.

Reminded that I had lost 3 presents before Christmas, Martha, the Pets and myself embarked on Spring Cleaning of an epic scale.

Of course anything unusual tends to provoke Trotter into wild and unmanageable behaviour, and yesterday was no exception.

As we were feverishly rushing around Trotter decided he didn't like it if we were stood still, so barked at us to try and chivvy us along. Trotter later decided he actually didn't approve of the cleaning and decided to just stand there barking.

I found temporary relief from the barking when tidying Martha's wardrobe, as the walls muffled the frenetic sound and gave the eardrums a moment of respite.

We cleaned the bathroom cupboard and we cleaned out drawers and the blanket box and looked behind the sofa's. No missing presents to be found.

As a result of all this I was unable to embark on my shoe audit, which annoyed Fing greatly. Fing had donned his horn rimmed spectacles in preparation and had made a clipboard, on which he had intended to write an inventory.

I fear the shoe count will have to wait until next Saturday.

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