Monday, January 22, 2007

The Trotter and Fing Film Appreciation Society

Trotters and Fing would like to start an open forum in which people can discuss their favourite films.

They have gathered all the pets and are sat in a rough circle, Fing explains why they are all there and asks Giggsey Girl the Stupid Slug Face to give a brief Synopsis of her favourite film, and indeed to explain why it is her favourite.

'My Favourite Film of ALL time' says the Slug Face, 'is Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, it is a film about a lonely inventor that makes up stories and lies to his children about a magical car, that obviously cannot exist in the real world, as flying thinking cars do not exist. The film details an acid trip he induces upon his children which features a hideous child catcher, who unfortunately does not exist in the real world, because if he did he could come round her and round up all the little bastards on this estate. I love this film as it brings dishonesty and lying into the open and warns us all to be careful in our relationships with others'.

'Fing turns round and whispers into Trotters ear, 'I told you this might be a problem'

to which Trotters replys, 'but its a valid point about the child catcher, dont you think?'

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