Monday, January 15, 2007

Varne and Delilah

Delilah arrived on Friday, she came with nothing but an air of Joy de Vie and an insatiable appetite.

As she bounced up and down the hall way like bambi on acid, all 4 cats lined up on the stairs and watched her, almost as if they were watching a game of tennis, eyes swivelling backwards and forwrds as she went.

It was perhaps an unusual weekend for Delilah to arrive as it was Varnes Birthday and we were throwing a very important party, with tea, and cakes, pickled onions and a selection of cold meats. All the best people were invited and Martha spent all day in the kitchen cooking with the help of Truly Scrumptious Lulu, the chubbiest dog in the west, and Fing, who sat on the side watching with an imperious air, wondering if any fish was going to be prepared and passed his way.

All the guests arrived and a good time was had by all, Delilah was greated with enthusiasm and Trotter was put out be the attention she was receiveing.

We had been lulled into a false sense of security by Trotters calmness, when all of a sudden he reacted adversly last night and growled and was unusually bad tempered towards the little one.

Today he stood calmly in the hall wagging his tail and watched Delilah in the kitchen.

God knows whats going to happen next.

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