Thursday, January 04, 2007


It is Thursday, which is a blessed relief, as due to the bank holiday everyone is a bit out of kilter.

Trotter put the bins out Tuesday, thinking it was Wednesday, and was forced to savage the bags when he found them still in place yesterday.

Lulu thought it was Friday, which is obviously baking day and has confused everyone with the smell of confectioneries in the kitchen.

Fing, confused by the confectionery, attacked Martha as she didn't prepare Fish for supper as it was in fact Wednesday.

Tutz? Tutz is still living in 1942 as far as we are aware. Occasionally she dons a hard hat and stares up at the sky looking for Messerschmidt's and Spitfire's. No one would mind but occasionally she forces everyone into a bunker she has made under neath the bed where they are forced to drink overly brewed tea and eat hard biscuits.

Meanwhile, in another alternative reality, Lucas by Day - Duncan by Night has been standing mesmerised in the rain. He stands happily in the deluge watching the raindrops as they bounce back from the yard. He stands and he stands until Lu calls him to come in, soaking wet. He has been in the rain for an hour and a half, where, despite the arctic conditions, 80 miles per hour winds and the sleet, he was as happy as a pig in shit, but obviously cleaner because of the rain.

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